Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Origin

On April 8, 2012, I decided to start Mandy’s Thank You Project. I was flipping through Pinterest and found an article on 10 Tricks to be Happier. Mind there is no number three on the list, but I can do without that one. The first one stuck with me the most: Express your Gratitude. An interesting point was that I did not need to send the thank you letter to the person it is written for. The mere action of writing a thank you was supposed to be beneficial. After not thinking too much more about it, I proceeded through the rest of my evening. In the middle of showering, something hit me. How awesome would it be to write lots of thank you notes and actually send them and blog about it? As fast as I could, I finished washing up and ran to my computer to acquire a decent blog url. There were a few called 'project thank you' or 'the thank you project', but nothing immediate were of personal letters. They were organizations that sent letters to soldiers and other various charities. This is not meant to be a charity blog. I am doing this for me and to send a small thank you to whoever has made an impact on my life for the last twenty four years and the years to come. I have set an official goal of 1000 thank yous. For those reading may find this outrageous, but like the quote “Dream big, or don’t dream at all”. There is no time frame I have to finish this by. Yes, this may end up being one of those quick projects thrown to the side after a few months or even weeks. But I am determined to see this through; this is my first step on a quest and/or journey to seek and acknowledge a thousand people that had an impact, big or small, on my life. I will be hand-making and writing all the cards I intend to send. On this blog, I intend to share the card and the message. I am not sure where this will go, but I know I want to start expressing my gratitude and hopefully bring a little more happiness into other people’s lives as well.

Disclaimer* There is no meaning of importance to the order of the people as the thank you cards are written. 

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